Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So, forgiveness. It is defined as "to pardon sin." Well, God's got forgiveness down. Why do I, as a Christian, have so many problems with it? I try so hard to forgive people, but it's just so hard. I've been praying that I learn how to forgive. I've just been hurt so much by myself and others that it's just so hard. So here we go:

Dear God. Please show me how to forgive. There are so many people in my life that love me and who I love. Some of those people have hurt me. I need to forgive them and myself. Show me how, God. Show me how...

So, now I find myself thinking. Thinking that I need to forgive some people. I'll do whatever it takes.

Mark 11:25 says, "When you stand to pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him. Then your Father in Heaven will forgive your sins also."

1 comment:

  1. Going through some of your old blogs, and went to your first one. I really like this one. Don't stop sharing your thoughts. God can use them to help others. God bless you.


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